Get 75% Savings. $185 for 80.5 CEUS. Compared to regular price of $700 for 75CEUs.
Three of the best books to read and catch up on the latest diabetes trends. An ideal read for diabetes educators to learn more about pre-diabetes, type 2 and type 1 diabetes. These books include Medical Management of Pregnancy complicated by Diabetes, (25 CEUs, course code 167757), Annual Review of Diabetes 2020 (35 CEUs, course code 167755) and Mastering Diabetes (20.5 CEUs, course code 167758).
- Learn about medical management of diabetes in pregnancy.
- Become familiar with many scientific journal research papers related to the benefits and complications of diabetes medication.
- Identify the risks of pre-diabetes in the United States.
- Become aware of the effect that type 2 diabetes has on healthcare costs
- Learn why a low carb, high fat diet is not beneficial to people with diabetes.
- Learn why a low fat, plant-based diet is beneficial to those with diabetes.
- Learn about insulin resistance
- Connect a low fat, plant-based diet to a lowering of insulin resistance.
- Learn why diet and lifestyle are both very effective in controlling blood sugar and preventing type 2 diabetes