Weight loss and turmeric

Does turmeric help with weight loss?
turmeric, spice, curry-3251560.jpg

Does turmeric cause weight loss?

Why is it important to include antioxidants and functional foods in your weight loss diet plan as a health coach?

Health coaches help clients lose weight. People are interested in eating healthy but they do not know how. They need to be guided by someone like a RD health coach to help them get the most benefit from the foods they are eating. Functional foods is a topic that has great traction in the last ten years. Overall, functional foods are of interest because of their health benefits that exceed that of regular, healthy foods. To lose weight, it is important to introduce antioxidants to the meal plans of your clients. The first reason why this is important is because antioxidants help to reduce fat synthesis in the body and reduces inflammation. the second reason is that it will entice your client in showing that you know more than the average coach. Being a successful health coach is not merely creating a great meal pla, but it also involves marketing yourself to your clientele properly so that they can see your value. In order to maximize the value of functional nutrition in weight loss, I have created a Certificate of Training Program in Functional Nutrition. This program is created for RD health coaches who want to learn more about how to implement functional foods in weight management meal plans. It provides a full 75 CEUs and is CDR approved.

How do you lose weight over 50 in 16 weeks?

When we get to our 50’s, the body’s metabolism changes. The reason why this happens is hormonal. Especially for women who enter menopause, the drop in estrogen production correlates to a slower metabolism. This sucks! But with exercise and functional foods, keeping your weight on track is possible. To start with, you want to make sure that you eat a diet high in anti-inflammatory properties. This is where turmeric comes in. Turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory spice and has shown the ability to reduce inflammation. When consumed with a diet that is high in fiber, low calories and anti-inflammatory foods, you can help your clients in their 50’s to maintain a stable weight. If you’d like to read more about the benefits of turmeric and the research, you can complete a Certificate of Training program in Functional Nutrition. This program is for RDN’s and NDTRs and is CDR approved for 75 CEUs.

Do turmeric supplement cause weight loss immediately?

Turmeric can be supplemented in higher forms in a tablet form than in a meal. Sauces made with turmeric to form curries do not have the high therapeutic amount of turmeric that is needed to initiate health benefits immediately. Supplement tablets have higher amounts of turmeric that can have a therapeutic health benefit when taken. the functional molecule in turmeric is curcumin, and is responsible for the deep golden yellow color of the spice. Weight loss is associated with turmeric intake in therapeutic amounts in animal studies. The studies show an indirect relationship between high turmeric intake and decreased fat synthesis. Turmeric’s functional molecule, called curcumin, decreases the proinflammatory cytokines in the liver. When the liver releases less pro-inflammatory cytokines, the enzymes that are responsible for fat synthesis are less active at a genetic level. Weight loss in humans have been noted but not in a direct relation. In other words, the weight loss amount is not directly related to the amount of turmeric consumed. more turmeric consumed does not correlate to more weight loss. Simply consuming the turmeric supplements on an empty stomach will not be effective either as it will not be absorbed without any fat present in the GI tract. However, when consumed in a diet as a regularly consumed ingredient, the overall anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin will consistently reduce the activity of enzymes responsible for fat synthesis. As a result, overall, the individual will have a higher ability of maintaining their weight.

Turmeric and joint pain

Turmeric is a functional molecule that has shown benefits in reducing joint pain. Turmeric has shown a positive correlation between reduced pain with rheumatoid arthritis and turmeric intake. Rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune inflammatory reaction, causes pain in joints when the immune cells break attack it. The reason why joint pain reduces when you take turmeric, is because turmeric has such a strong anti-inflammatory reaction. the proof is in the turmeric when individuals with rheumatoid arthritis can objectively state that they have less pain in their hands and fingers.

Weight loss with turmeric sauces.

There are multiple recipes from Asia that includes turmeric. this spice has been used in recipes for hundred if not thousands of years. cultures who have been eating this golden spice has obtained many health benefits from it. Turmeric can be used as an ingredient in curry sauces with fat. The absorption of the active compound of turmeric, called curcumin, requires fat to be present. As a result, simply sprinkling turmeric over your salad or putting it in your smoothie will not aid in weight loss. Indian, Thai, and other Asian cooking has turmeric as an ingredient in their sauces that they make with coconut milk, a plant-based fat, and other proteins with fat in them. As a result, the turmeric cooks with the fat in the sauces and has a much higher bioavailability. To learn more about the science if turmeric and how it contributes to weight loss, RDs can complete a CDR approved Certificate of Training in Functional Nutrition.

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