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Discover proven methods to reverse insulin resistance by eating a low-fat plant-based diet. Learn the key solutions to lowering insulin resistance by lowering fat intake and increasing fiber and polyphenols. Diet is key to helping the individuals in the United States with prediabetes. Without a change in dietary behavior, there will be no improvement in glucose metabolism just by taking medications. Hypoglycemic medications do not lower insulin resistance and that is why they do not improve diabetes. Due to the rise of cases in the US, there must be a shift in diet and not an increase in medication given. The rising cases in type 2 diabetes will incrementally place a financially burden on the healthcare system. It is in our benefit to improve our way of eating by incorporating more vegetables in our diet.
- Learn the statistics relevant to the progression of type 2 diabetes in the United States.
- Identify the risks of pre-diabetes in the United States.
- Become aware of the effect that type 2 diabetes has on healthcare costs
- Learn why a low carb, high fat diet is not beneficial to people with diabetes.
- Learn why a low fat, plant-based diet is beneficial to those with diabetes.
- Understand the reason behind why a low fat plant-based diet is protective to those with type 1, type 1.5 and gestational diabetes.
- See the effect of insulin resistance on blood glucose variability.
- Connect a low fat, plant-based diet to a lowering of insulin resistance.
- Read 800 journal articles and gain insight from doctors who have 36 years experience with type 1 diabetes.
- Learn why medications for elevated blood sugars do not lower blood sugar as effectively without lowering insulin resistance.